Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wine & Cheese pasta

I created this by accident and loved the taste.

  • 1/2 onion
  • handful Italian parsley
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Olive Oil
  • 1/2 pino grigio
  • 1/2 cup Chianti
  • 1/2 cup sherry
  • I can of tomato sauce (I love organic roasted garlic made by Wegman's)
  • 1 can of stewed tomatoes
  • Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup goat cheese
  • Sprinkle crushed hot pepper if you like it hot
  1. Sautee onion, parsley and garlic in olive oil and pino grigio
  2. Add tomato sauce and tomatoes
  3. Add wines and cheeses

Serve with pasta of your choice. I like whole wheat linguine. This sauce has a big kick and literally tastes like a sip of wine and a slice of cheese in one bite.


Anonymous said...

That sounds incredibly delicious. Thanks to you it's 10 am and I'm ready for pasta!!

Colleen said...

hello, that sounds amazing! now if only i had all three of those wines in the house at once...note to self...
also, 1/2 what of goat cheese? cup?

Jules said...

Yes, 1/2 cup! Sorry I will correct that now.

Colleen said...

This was quite yummy. Tom wanted it to taste like vodka sauce, though, since it looked like it. He needs to get over that.

Jules said...

Colleen I am so flattered that you are trying my recipes. Thanks! I am glad you liked it.

One thing I do worry about is as I cook I really don't measure things so my recipes are all guestimates so keep that in mind.

Almost Vegetarian said...

This is such a mistake.

I saw your comment on my blog post on how to use food to turn a crappy day into a happy day ( and came to check you out and that's where the problem kicked in.

I'm starving! And your recipe looks so good I came this close, this close!, to licking the screen.

And it's not even dinner time, yet, sigh.
